Thursday, November 28, 2019

The 7 People You Should Befriend at Work

The 7 People You Should Befriend at WorkThe 7 People You Should Befriend at WorkWhen you dont quite know your way around the office- or heck, even if you do- its good to know people in high places.But by high places, I dont necessarily mean the executive suite. While buddying up with the CEO probably wouldnt hurt, there are a few other well-known office archetypes who can really help you out.So, when youre kicking off a new job, seek out these seven officemates- stat.1. The Human Snack MachineYou know the feeling Its 3 PM, youre starting to get the maybe that rice cake wasnt enough for lunch shakes (or the a client just yelled at me for 20 minutes straight need for stress-relieving indulgence), and youre a quarter short for anything in the snack machine.This is precisely when it pays to know that guy in the marketing department who keeps a drawer full of candy- and is willing to share in exchange for a few minutes of office chit-chat. (Just make aya to occasionally offer treats in re turn or contribute to the snack fund)2. The SocialiteIf youre not actively filling the role of Happy Hour Coordinator Extraordinaire, you should befriend whoever is- and quick. At least, you should if you want to be in the loop about co-worker get-togethers, informal company sports leagues, and summer BBQs.Besides the obvious fact that this will help you make new pals, youll also get to know people in other departments- so when you need help with marketing an upcoming event or hiring a new employee, youll know exactly who to ask.3. Your Personal IT GuruWhen Monday morning brings a much-too-early alarm and an accidentally decaf pot of coffee, the last thing you want to face is the blue screen of death on your monitor. Sure, you could put in an IT ticket, but youll be forced to wait for a response- helpless- while the minutes tick away and your work continues to pile up.Or, you could get to know someone a few cubes over who can help you out in a crunch- like when you have a report due and your computer wont turn on or you cant figure out how to adjust your margins without destroying your formatting. With some quick handiwork from a techy colleague, youll be good to go.4. The Older SiblingMentors are great when you need important advice about your professional development. But an older work sibling can really help you out when it comes to your less serious career quandaries. Think I really want to get involved in the new product launch, but Im not sure how- what should I do? Or even, Youve been to the company holiday party a few times- what in the world am I supposed to wear?Typically, this person is a little higher up, has been with the company a bit longer, and, well, just generally knows more than you. (Hey, I never said the older sibling is never slightly obnoxious.)5. The Selfless VolunteerIts Friday afternoon at 430 PM, and youre working on a project with a strict 5 PM deadline. And lets just say- things are not looking good.Enter the dependable volunteer- the person who seems to pop out of nowhere asking if you need help. Even when he was planning on heading out of the office at 445 PM (oh, summer Fridays), hell hunker down and help you meet that deadline. Best of all, he wont hold it over your head the next time he needs a favor. (But yes, you should help him out anyway)6. The EncouragerMost offices have an ample supply of pessimists- the co-workers who tell you why ideas wont work, swear that youll never get a raise, and find a hole in any suggestion you make.Then- every once in a while- youll come across someone who always manages to put a positive spin on things. Even if your idea for a Sriracha-and-gummy-bear-flavored cupcake for your office cook-off isnt the best idea youve ever had, shell be sure to let you- and the team- know that by experimenting with unique flavors, youre definitely headed in the right direction.And when you find that optimist- hold onto her Theres nothing better than having a constant source of encourageme nt.7. The Helpless NewbieWhile its nice to be on the receiving end of all these benefits, its also good to step out of your way to help out someone less experienced. Spot a newbie who isnt sure which printer to use? See someone wandering the halls, aimlessly looking for office 702?By adopting a less-experienced co-worker, youll boost your leadership abilities and have the chance to become a kick-ass mentor. (And he or she might just turn out to be one of the above six must-have colleagues)Whod we miss? Any other officemates everyone should have?Photo of co-workers talking courtesy of Shutterstock.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The primary reason young women become financially independent quicker than men

The primary reason young women become financially independent quicker than menThe primary reason young women become financially independent quicker than menIn Early Adulthood The Pursuit of FinancialIndependence,Merill Lynch offers some interesting insights into the wants and needs of young American adults. Before diving into the analytics, the study notes the shift in objectives that has occurred with many young people in recent years one that sees them privilege financial milestones over mora traditional ones like marriage for instance.To 75% of the 2,000 Americans surveyed, youre not an adult until youve achieved complete financial independence. Sixty-one percent said that having a full-time job mora accurately signaled maturity, and 42% cited living away from home.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreUnder pressureSo what is making these young adults feel pressured as they pursue their financial dreams? Of all the stressors that rattle around the brain of the respondents observed, getting married and having children landed in the bottom three. The top three? Making a lot of money (82%), being more physically attractive (77%), and finding a better job/getting a promotion (77%).These percentages suggest a pretty clear objective, except women, seem to be fairing a little better at acquiring it than young men are. The authors of the recent study proffer an intriguing delineation.The race to leave the nestDespite the bold assertions mentioned above, an additional 70% of Americans surveyed in Merill Lynchs study received financial support from their parents in 2018. FIfty-eight percent of that group could not afford theirlifestyle without a little help from their folks. It should be noted that among 18-24-year-olds these statistics remain relatively equal in men and women.Although instances, where young adults requested assistance, was found to be reasonably comm on, women are much quicker than men to get their act together in the long-run-despite theheadwinds of unequal pay (median weekly earnings of full-time employed 25- to 34- year-olds is $864 for men but $766 for women). Moreover, 11%more American women have degrees compared to men.The discrepancy seems to be authored by a difference in priorities. Seventy percent of women reproached the temptation to seek help from their parents because it made them more dependent, compared to the 57% of men that agreed. This means women are making a concertedeffort to launch both more quickly and closer to the target-i.e ensuring they earn degrees relevant to their desired fields, even if it means they make up a sizeable portion of the student debt demo. However, the outlay seems to be worth it, as the study reports, Education translates into better job opportunities, and the labor force participation rate of early adult women continues to increase, while that of men has declined slightly. Given the lifetime earnings value of higher education, these trendsbode well for women in the future as more of them start their careers onhigher trajectories.The finish lineOver the age of 30, 13% more men receive support from their parents than women. Below is a breakdown of the differences in the degrees men and women over the age of thirty receive assistance with different expenses.As previously stated, having the long-view perpetually in mind continues to fuel womens edge over men in the financial ecosystem. The vast majority of women (72%) studied in the recent report said that their highest economic priority was either saving for the future or eroding an existing debt. They were also found to be much less likely to tap into retirement accounts. The majority of men said that their priorities belong to enjoying life in the moment.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Thursday, November 21, 2019

This is the number of drinks to have on a first date if you want a second one

This is the number of drinks to have on a first date if you want a second oneThis is the number of drinks to have on a first date if you want a second oneOn balance, Millennials and Gen Zers are drinking considerably less than their elders did at their age. The reportedly self-obsessed generation, fear to have drunken lapses of judgment posted on social media so profoundly that they have surged the sales of non-alcoholic booze by 3.9% in onlyfive short years.Social media increases accountability for ones actions. People like to control their public image on social media since it is permanent rather than ephemeral. Embarrassing moments are no longer moments, but posted in perpetuity for all to see without engaging in damage control, reports Pamela Rutledge, who is the director of the Media Psychology Research Center in California. This, in chorus with marijuanas recent rebranding as the cure-all, personality steroid, contributes to a steady decline in boozing, barring a few specific occasions. In reference to the stuff, the late Christopher Hitchens once called it the only worthwhile miracle in the new testament, going on in the same breath to brilliantly note At Oxford one was positively expected to take wine during tutorials. The tongue must be untied.From the portrait of the writer, sleepily burning the candle at both ends, to the urbane rock musician, to the cultivated bohemian, Wanna grab a drink? is historys most successful cold open. unterstellung sentiments are reflected in a massive new study of Millennial drinking habits by Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreOne, too fewThe researchers behind the new study began by indexing the practical benefits of choosing a bar for a first date location. The statistic heavy intro might have done too well to denounce boozing as an important and valuable cultural bedrock-viable too. Theres nothing worse than finding out youre conversing with a dud while locked into a four-course meal. Its easier to manage time with alcohol two drinks max then Ill tell this truther that I have work early in the morning.The survey of 1,002 participants establishes booze as the preferred social lubricant, as many respondents confessed to a little pre-gaming before dates. Twenty-percent of surveyees have at least one beer before meeting their date, with 13% admitting to chugging two. For most people, the volume flowed at higher volumes throughout the actual date.Although a modest, 10% of tee tolling dates ended up going all the way, moderation seemed to be the key factor for scoring second dates. If the survey is indicative of a larger trend, you might want to consider adopting a two-drink maximum if you want to see your paramour again, considering participants that occasioned this number dually evidenced the highest rates of success. One of the respondents, an unidentified male, aged 31, reported tha t this number seemed to strike the perfect balance between relaxed and level headed.It makes sense to apply a linear correlation between the number of drinks and the quality of the date, but further investigation unmasked this as precarious. For some this was true, 51% of dates that consumed five or more drinks ended up going home with one another. However, respondents would also increase their alcohol consumption if they were simply having a bad time. Thirty-one percent of male respondents reported doing so in fact, compared to the 43% of female respondents that reported decreasing their consumption. ansicht two ostensibly separate statistics meld to recall the dangerously uneven dating playing field.When I was hesitant about getting plastered on my 21st birthday, a female friend of mine hastened to remind me of how limited the privilege is. The authors behind the study seconded this goading with the following,Womens inclination to curb their drinking may be attributed to a general effort to keep their wits about them in the presence of a stranger. Recent police data from the U.K. revealed a 450%-spike over five years in rapes related to online dating specifically, 85% of which were suffered by women. Meeting up with someone you dont know can be risky and the more sober you are, the better off you may be.The report went unto reveal that men prefer their dates to drink a little more than women did. This isnt exclusively by reason of predatory motives, but there is certainly a long-established and celebrated game plan that includes sharpening the male appeal by dulling the female perception. The survey results accentuate five drinks as the maximum for consent-giving-abilities, this median being notably more nuanced among female responders.